Sleep - Perchance to Dream?

The brain is a complex organ, storing and organizing memories during sleep. However, lacking sufficient sleep can cause hormonal imbalance, problems with appetite and our immune system. Every human has an internal clock letting our body know when we need sleep.
What is a restful sleep?
One that is uninterrupted, is when you are relaxed, including muscles and breathing. Research indicates your body goes through 5 sleep stages, at least 2 hours of dreaming, you may or may not remember the dream. Dreams have significant importance (more on dreams in a later blog). Cells are produced and proteins are stored and renewed to all of your systems.
I discovered some tips on acquiring a restful sleep Here are 3 tips for you .
1. Make sleep environment restful
Make your bedroom free from light, purchase black out curtains, use earplugs if necessary, or purchase a cd of restful music. I have used a drumming sound cd, or sometimes a soft instrumental music, or listen to a meditation app, these I have found very helpful.
2. Schedule
It is very important to stick to a night time ritual. Waking up and going to bed at the same time everyday. When getting ready for bed, perhaps a shower, or bath, brush teeth, maybe a cup of herbal tea, wind down your mind and body, some light yoga, no electronic devices at least 30 minutes or 1 hour before bedtime. This will give your mind time to get settled into the ritual of sleeping.
3. Diet /Exercise
Ensure you do not go to bed hungry, this will keep you awake. My father used to eat a bowl of cornflakes before bed or an apple, not sure if it helped him sleep. Maybe he was onto something?
Some research indicates warm milk, that may not help those that are lactose intolerant, perhaps try herbal tea that might do the trick.
Light exercises before bedtime is a good idea, it helps calm the body and the mind. Some yoga stretches will help the body relax along with some deep breathing exercises or meditation.

Those are just a few suggestions that have helped me have a good night sleep. Perhaps you have some tips that have worked for you. Feel free to share in the comment section.
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Happy zzzz's everyone!