Networking – Creating Connections – Building Relationships

Yes, I am going to start this blog with the old definition line like those high school essays. Hey, it is not Merriam Webster’s Dictionary meaning so that should gain me a few points, right?
Networking - the definition from Business Directory website is “Creating a group of acquaintances and associates and keeping it active through regular communication for mutual benefit." Networking is based on the question "How can I help?"
Read more here:
In 2015, is when I first heard of “Networking” I suppose I had been doing it all my life and was not even aware of the term. It appears that the word “Networking” is the buzzword of the 21st century. If you are one of the many individuals in a “career transition” and have attended many coffee meetings, along with numerous career workshops and boot camps. “Networking” is mentioned time and time again, it is not only what you know, but who you know. It is not how many connections you have on LinkedIn, it is about having "quality” connections.
“Networking” is the root of that 80-90% of that hidden job market. If I was an employer seeking someone for a certain position in my organization. I would certainly reach out to my staff and anyone in my network and ask "Say, do you happen to know someone with this skillset and background?" Maybe, someone I reach out to will know someone who would be a perfect fit, maybe not. It is worth a try, don't you think?
A recommendation is someone saying "Hey, this person is someone I respect and I think you should meet them!"
Just how and why do you need to network, create "quality" connections and build relationships?
Every opportunity you meet people is a Networking Opportunity!; and
Karma? “What goes around comes around”
You are plantings seeds for your future, perhaps a contact for you or someone you know, or maybe you have some common hobbies you may just have the start of a new friendship.
Aren’t you thrilled when someone is asking questions about you? Of course you are, most people like to talk. Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, says it best:
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
What is a blog about building relationships without mentioning the famous Motivational Speaker, Zig Ziglar, who said:
“You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.”
Be curious - become that that nosey neighbour from the 1960’s TV show "Bewitched" (Gladys Kravitz). Okay, maybe not that nosey. You get the idea, be engaged in what they are saying. To illustrate my point about connections, the movie "6 Degrees of Separation", I'd like to share what Stockard Channing’s character states:
“…… I read somewhere that everybody on this planet is separated by only six other people. Six degrees of separation between us and everyone else on this planet. The President of the United States, a gondolier in Venice, just fill in the names. I find it extremely comforting that we're so close…… that we're so close because you have to find the right six people to make the right connection... I am bound, you are bound, to everyone on this planet by a trail of six people.”
I would say it is more like 3 people not 6 people. How are you going to win this person over to continue talking with you?
An Elevator Pitch is very important. Eventually someone will ask you “And what do you do” or "What brings you to this event?"
Links that may prove helpful when creating your "Elevator Pitch" Do you want a powerful one or an impactful one?
Make an Impact With Your Elevator Pitch
7 Steps for Writing a Powerful Elevator Pitch
Depending on what type of event you are attending, it could be a business related event, book club, or standing in line at the grocery store. Why not be the one to start the conversation? Try these strategies:
Find something newsworthy to start the conversation. Listen to the news, tv, radio, read something in the newspaper. Actually, yesterday I read an article in Vanity Fair, March 12 National Geographic is doing a documentary on Jane Goodall (now 83), you know the woman that went to study chimpanzee behaviour – animals that could take her life at any moment! What a courageous woman, I found that article very interesting - she was only a 26 year-old secretary when she took on that challenge with no university degree, no scientific experience. So if she can do something like that – then surely you can start a conversation with someone new, right? Yes! Easy peasy!
Once you have started the conversation with a newsworthy topic, let’s error on the side that the conversation is flowing and spinning around to other topics. Ut oh, maybe it isn't? Maybe, you are encountering a difficult person? Click on the links below and discover ways to deal with this unfortunate occurrence.
Invite someone into your conversation. You may see someone standing all alone, invite them over, engage them into your conversation. Now you are becoming a Power Networker!
Life is funny this way, you will encounter difficult people, people on their own. Try to become a "Network Guru". Challenge yourself to make meaningful quality connections. Below are some links that may prove helpful.
8 Ways to Talk to Difficult People
How to Become a Network Guru
Tips for Meeting People and Making Meaningful Connections
Networking Involves...

Being prepared with your elevator pitch, business cards (if necessary, not everyone you meet will need or want your card, be patient, if asked for one it’s a win!).
Having confidence and patience are the keys to "Networking".
Do you have strategies that work for you? If so feel free to share them.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash