MOTIVATION... How Do You Stay Motivated?

I listened to a podcast about people that have done something interesting in their life, or are empowering others to find that one thing that will make their life meaningful.
I watch videos on a variety of topics such as motivational, law of attraction, maintaining a positive mentality, find myself seeking out books on successful* people, sometimes success is not measured by a bank account but how happy a person is in general with their life..
There are thousands of articles, blogs, books, videos, podcasts etc. to watch, listen, read, make notes and apply to your life.
7 Steps to Being Motivated (keeping spirits high)
Be grateful – by appreciating every day what you have, you will see that your life has purpose and you are here for a reason, although you may not know the reason, there is one. Trust me.
Choose your emotion. – By being grateful, happiness should fall into this category, however, happiness is an emotion as is motivation, it is impossible to be unhappy and motivated. So choose to be happy and motivation will follow.
Set a goal - We all know what goals are? Goals are SMART - Specific, Measured Achievable, Reason, Timely. Now you may wonder why I choose the word “reason” instead of “results”, simply if you do not have a solid reason for your goal then it will be a waste of time and effort to pursue this goal. Remember “goal is a dream with a deadline”.
Take a break. Yes to keep your motivational spirit going, you need to recharge every now and then, studies have shown that to take that 15 minute break, your mind has time to refocus and most likely come up with new ideas, solutions.
Thoughts create our Reality. If you want a positive thought or a positive result. . Keep your mind actively entertaining the desired result. I got to this thinking about this and years ago I wanted a Toyota Echo, and I found one! I had it on my mind for a long time and I had photos of this car. So this goes to show you that this Law of Attraction does work. You have to be patient and believe whatever it is you desire will become your reality.
Positive Thinkers. Immerse yourself with these people. If you cannot meet them in person, find them online, books, videos, podcasts, blogs, articles. Perhaps send a personal note to an individual on Social Media and let them know you admire their “spunk” and would they be willing to join your network. I have done this and I have several new contacts because I want to surrounded by their energy.
Stay the course. Even if you do one thing everyday that keeps you on your path to your goal – you are well on your way to staying motivated.
Well, there you have my 7 ways to keep Motivated. Try one or all 7, let me know how you stay motivated.
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