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How Is Your Attitude?

A couple of descriptions by Merriam Webster dictionary the term Attitude - "a negative or hostile state of mind OR a cool, cocky, defiant, or arrogant manner"

However, your attitude is in constant change throughout the day, depending on your circumstances, interactions with people either in person, on the phone, texting, emailing, or any other form of interaction with another individual.


Perhaps it has been suggested that you have a negative attitude. There are many ways to reverse this to a positive attitude….

Watch Your Words – Words you use have power - usually the words we use is a reflection of what is deep in our heart, Yikes! There is something to ponder?

Visualization – Take time to visualize what you seek and your attitude is in sync with your thoughts. Thoughts create our reality, do you agree?

Enthusiastic – Being enthusiastic just brings your mind to a positive attitude and it is all good, right?

Spiritual – Believing a “Higher Power” is at work can create a

knowingness of positive attitude. This has me thinking of “Law of Attraction” which can have a huge impact on our lives. Do you believe in Law of Attraction?

Affirmations - What do you desire? Just writing 3 to 5 of these down and repeating them a few times throughout a day, your attitude will vibrate or bounce to an energy of positiveness. Positive thinking is better than the alternative?

Motivation - Figure out what your motivating factor is so you can create your positive mindset. I have discovered once I set a plan in motion and things start moving forward, I feel that “motivation” propelling me and my attitude is up and running. Also, discovered synchronicity, a subject I decided to study a week ago, I stumbled upon 2 individuals the very next day, that provided me a contact and told me how what I am studying there is a huge need for this service, the day after that I met 3 more individuals who provided me information on where to seek out associations and groups to join to learn more about the topic I am studying. Now, here is the clincher to this -- had I not left the comfort of my cozy home, I would not had known any of this … so is that motivation or the Universe or some Higher Power at work directing me?

Greetings - How you greet others is a way that creates a positive attitude, Even if you are not feeling “Fantastic” just saying it can make it true! A smile goes a long way and can be the one thing that day that changes someone else’s attitude that very day! Spooky, huh?

Sense of Humor - Can be a positive force toward your positive attitude, Laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes in times of emotional stress, laughter lightens the mood, the late comedian, Joan Rivers would make jokes of terrible events, that was her way of dealing with a terrible event thus seeing the humor in it, although it may not have been perceived by many of her audience, if it made some people laugh, then her message go out to her audience.

Exercising (go figure?) – This is a sense of accomplishment sending thoughts to your brain and fills you with a positive attitude. Have you ever noticed say after a long walk you may be tired, but it’s a good tired, (endorphins) it is a happy tired, you accomplished something, you feel good, you feel optimistic, happy, well your attitude is good. Yeah you did it!

“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy..." Elle Woods from "Legally Blonde"

A negative attitude can be changed if you incorporate some of these tips throughout a day, perhaps you incorporate all of these or some of these on a daily basis, if so then you have a very positive attitude!

Congratulations !!

Every day we have the opportunity to be positive or negative. Which one will you choose today?

"Carpe Diem - Seize The Day"

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